
冰球突破豪华版试玩庆祝成立78周年th 毕业典礼将于周末在朴茨茅斯校区举行. Three hundred and thirty-two degrees and certificates were conferred with one hundred and sixty students walking during the ceremonies held on Saturday at the College’s Portsmouth campus.

Associate degree and certificates were awarded to graduates of the Accounting, 美国研究, 汽车技术, 生物科学, 生物技术, 工商管理, 领导 & 管理, 销售和数字营销, 计算机数字控制, 计算机技术, 编程, 软件开发, 刑事司法, 网络安全基础设施, 数字媒体传播, 幼儿教育, 教育家准备, 工程, 英语, 环境科学, 美术, 历史, 国土安全 & 应急管理,酒店,餐厅 & 事件管理, 资讯系统科技, 文科, 按摩疗法, 摩托车维修 & 修复技术, 无损检测, 护理, 心理学, 外科手术技术, 技术研究, 兽医技术和焊接技术专业.

The college began in 1945 as the State Trade School at Portsmouth and has become one of northern New England’s leading two-year institutions of higher learning, offering over 50 degree and certificate programs in the sciences, 技术研究, and liberal arts while serving as an educational and career hub for students, 企业, 和社区.

Distinguished members of the College Community and honored guests represented on the platform at both ceremonies included GBCC President 谢丽尔较小, 大湾咨询委员会前任主席克里斯汀·卡伯里, Community College System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees Chair Katharine Bogle Shields, Community College System of New Hampshire Trustee Steven Slovenksi, 新罕布什尔州社区学院系统校长Dr. 马克·鲁宾斯坦, 教务处副校长丽莎·麦克雷, Community College System of New Hampshire Trustee Donnalee Lozeau, 学生演讲者和毕业生阿比盖尔·瓦格纳, Community College System of New Hampshire Trustee Alison Stebbins and Student Speaker and graduate Melissa Shortt.

Dr. 谢丽尔较小, GBCC主席, welcomed the class of 2024 and crowd of close to one thousand family and friends on hand to cheer on the graduates. “教师, 职员及行政, the entire Community College System of NH are so proud of you for overcoming challenges, 坚持, 进入人生的下一个阶段。. 引用路易斯·布兰代斯法官的话, ‘fight for the things you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you,莱瑟继续说, “I can’t emphasize enough that you have been prepared to fight for the things that you care about. Use the knowledge gained at Great Bay from the classroom to the conversations with fellow students, 教师, 和工作人员. 走进这个世界,让它变得更强大, 修理它, 给它一个未来,使我们能够拥有可持续的, 快乐的生活.”

Dr. 马克·鲁宾斯坦, 新罕布什尔州社区学院系统的校长, offered remarks and recognized the 2024 Chancellor’s Award Recipients for Teaching Excellence and Service Excellence.

Dr. Lesser announced the recipient names for the 2024 President’s Awards for Outstanding Adjunct 教师 and Outstanding Student and Award for Special Contributions. This year’s Outstanding Student Award was presented to graduate Volodymyr Lysianskyi, 他最初来自乌克兰,后来来到美国.S. seeking an opportunity to obtain higher education and experience a different part of the world. After graduating with an associate degree in 工程 Science and earning a G.P.A (3).99岁时,他计划转学到新罕布什尔大学.

丽莎McCurley, 教务处副主席, announced the recipient names for the 2024 Academic Department Awards.

2024届学生演讲者包括阿比盖尔·瓦格纳, graduate of the 工商管理 program and Melissa R. 肖特,英语专业的毕业生.

在她的讲话中, Abigail spoke about her practice of referring to her program of study as a “project” with each class being a small step culminating to her degree. “It made me sit back and reevaluate how to explain why I was studying the subjects required” she said, 并意识到项目中的每件事都有一个目的. 2024届毕业生, I hope that we take this experience with us as we continue our project of lifelong learning.”

学生演讲者梅丽莎·肖特分享了, 在沮丧的一天之后, receiving a personal and timely note from a 教师 member that simply read “you can do hard things.”

是四个孩子的妻子和母亲, 有一份全职工作, 不确定她的道路, 她决定参加GBCC并不是件容易的事. “It didn’t take me long to realize however,” Shortt said, “that nobody actually cared how old I was.  I began to realize that it is in the moments where I do not have all of the answers that I can learn the most.在演讲结束时,她说, “还记得这, 2024届毕业生:我们可以做困难的事情!”

After graduation from GBCC and receiving his associate degree in 外科手术技术, Gerardo Montes of Dover will be working as a surgical technologist for Mass General Brigham in Boston. “Great Bay impacted my life by helping me understand the importance and value of obtaining an education degree” he said “as well as share and expand my knowledge and be a better person than supports and contributes to the community.”

梅根McCombie, 也来自多佛, received her degree in 幼儿教育 and will be working at a childcare center as a Toddler Teacher. “The most valued part of GBCC for me was how the course times and schedule are flexible for students like me who work full time while going to college.”

艾米丽·所罗门, who completed her associate degree in 工商管理 with a certificate in 领导 and 管理, is currently employed at Service Credit Union where she would like to continue with an added goal of helping out in the community.

Three out of six graduates who completed a certificate in 摩托车维修 and Repair attended the ceremony. All report having jobs in their field at Seacoast Harley Davidson, 拉科尼亚哈雷戴维森, 和Monadnock哈雷戴维森.

该项目将于2021年启动, graduate Amrit 辛格 of Newmarket earned a certificate in 计算机数字控制 taking classes while working full time and supporting his family. 辛格, 谁在2017年从印度来到美国, 还必须克服语言障碍, 在考取证书的同时学习英语. Adept at learning technology, he has always embraced education. “If you have learning capabilities, then you can learn something new every day,” he said. “对于每个新问题,都有一个新的解决方案.”